>>> About us <<<

This is our passion...

Living spaces influence our actions, our everyday life, and also our emotional world. Everything is space, without space everything is nothing. Whether in the city, in our own apartment, in the office, in the supermarket, in the parking lot, on the bike or in the car or on the train, on playgrounds, in the park, in the theater, in the museum, in the soccer stadium... These all are the many self-evident stages of our lives.

We love spaces and that's why we analyze and design them. As scientists, spatial practitioners, spatial users and architects of diverse spaces in the city, in the landscape, or in private realm.

We identify potentials and optimizations, combining multidisciplinary approaches as architects, psychologists and architectural theorists. We link deeply human perspectives, desires and requirements with the important stages of our lives: the spaces. People and spaces – the basis and future of all living together.


These are our goals...

We are convinced that – more than ever – spaces belong to the socially relevant issues. They are directly related to the big issues of our time: climate change, housing shortages, migration, urban and rural mobility, and livable spaces for all. None of these issues can be meaningfully developed further without an intelligent and people-oriented spatial perspective.

We participate in concepts and discussions about high-quality spatial design, touching architecture, livable cities and neighborhoods. Whether spaces support, comfort, heal or hurt us is also up to us. We need them like our "food" and therefore it is worthwhile to think about how it should be "prepared" so it does us good.

We are convinced of the high relevance of sharing our beliefs and experiences in the context of teaching and research and to develop them further in exchange with students, professors, scientists and practice partners. On our website, we therefore present selected topics and activities at our universities; they are inextricably linked with our work.


These are our techniques...

Spaces can be analyzed, categorized, but also sensed and related. This is exactly what we do. We approach the space as a user, through situational understanding, as well as through intensive analysis of our perceptions, emotional reactions, reflection and action. Depending on the context and the brief, we use various scientific methods from different disciplines, such as self-description methods, observations, surveys, field studies, cartographic analyses, standardized questionnaires, etc.

We analyze, survey, write, photograph, design, draw, and spend time with focused attention in spaces. All analysis is based on valid architectural-psychological and space-philosophical concepts and theories. Depending on the setting and task, we choose the methods of analysis to produce the most valid, stable and objective results possible. If necessary, we perform statistical calculations, for example to examine different spaces or target group-specific architectural preferences for statistically significant differences. And we communicate intensively about it, at every stage.

This is us…

Prof. Dr. Marc Kirschbaum
Prof. Dr. Dr. Kai Schuster

FOUNDER And Partner

Marc Kirschbaum

Prof. Dr.-Ing. M.Arch./USA
is an architect and architectural theorist

Study of architecture in Kassel, architecture and urban design in Manchester/GB, as well as architecture theory as a Fulbright scholar in Seattle/USA; doctorate in architectural theory, psychology and sociology at the University of Kassel.

Marc Kirschbaum regularly speaks at conferences about the connection between people and spaces, about learning spaces and central questions of architecture and the city. He gives lectures beyond the professional world and is involved as a reviewer and specialist prize judge, among other things. He leads numerous international projects that always take a broad cultural perspective on space.
Marc teaches and researches as professor for architectural theory, urban design history and design at the SRH University Heidelberg. More information about his research and teaching activities can be found here:
SRH University Heidelberg


Design for the Built Environment

Email Marc Kirschbaum

FOUNDER and Partner

Kai Schuster

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. phil., Dipl.-Psych.
is a psychologist and architectural theorist

Study of psychology at the universities of Eichstätt, Göttingen and Heidelberg as well as architecture at the University of Kassel. Doctorate in psychology and architectural theory at the University of Kassel.

Kai has worked in various scientific institutions on the topics of people and environmental behavior, people and nature, and also the connection of lifestyle and architecture. He lectures and publishes on a broad repertoire of topics related to the natural and built environment.

He teaches and researches as a professor of social psychology, sociology and architectural psychology at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. Further information about his activities in research and teaching can be found here:

University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt

Email Kai Schuster